A new year, a new class and the familiar fumble to try and root out last years start of year activities!
In this post I've decided to compile some resources I've found useful and which I will be using again this year.
If you've any more to add feel free to comment.
Here are a number of activity sheets I use on the first day of school and they're all free!
This is a brilliant little activity booklet. It has a number of activities in it on getting to know each other, creating a summer image, etc.
You can pick and choose what works best for you and your class.
The main activity I'll be taking from this is the 'Class Contract'. Here the children write down three goals for the year ahead and sign it.
I like to hold onto this and revisit it in the new year and at the end of the school year.
I always think its always a good start to be positive and set some goals. I usually use this worksheet after we have discussed the rules for the year ahead.
This is another great activity to help to get to know the children in the style of a Facebook profile.
And for a bit of gaeilge!
This is also in the style of a Facebook profile on the topic of 'me fein'.
Emer at 'A Crucial Week' has created this for a fifth class, but its also a fantastic first day activity to get the children thinking 'gaeilge'.
Here's another little activity I've created to help me get to know more about the students. I like to put this into my assessment folder at the start of the year.
It helps me see areas the students feel they have strengths or difficulty. It also helps me understand how they learn.