Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Maths: Data Investigation in 6th Class

Data is always a fun unit to complete at the start of the year in maths.
However, I sometimes think we underestimate the children's knowledge and understanding of graphs and charts.  We also need to show them the importance of 'interpreting charts' and how to 'read between the lines'.

On the sixth class curriculum the children are introduced to 'trend graphs'.
Some key teaching points are:

  • The names of both the axes and how to label them
  • The significance of a title
  • How to space the graph evenly (Consistency)
  • Using a ruler! 
In groups the children worked on devising their own research questions and carrying out some investigations.  The children had to gather their raw data and represent it using a variety of tables and graphs. 

I created this worksheet to help the guide the children in their work. 
Get it for free here : Data Investigation


The children then presented their findings to the class.